Cosmetic Dentist in Spring Hill Shares Summer Foods to Avoid

July 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 6:01 pm

Family barbecue Juicy watermelons, corn on the cob, smoky ribs – from camping to backyard barbecues to family trips to the pool, many of our favorite summer activities revolve around food. If you have recently invested in porcelain veneers, you are ready to show off your confident smile whenever someone grabs the camera this summer. However, when you’re piling your plate high with delicious food at the next barbecue, there are a few items a cosmetic dentist in Spring Hill recommends avoiding to help keep your veneers in excellent condition. Keep reading to find out which foods to keep off your plate.


Gummy Smile? Your Cosmetic Dentist in Spring Hill Can Help!

July 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 4:23 pm

smiling beautiful womanYou have gorgeous teeth, and you want to show them off when you post Instagram selfies or meet new people. Still, you might hesitate if a large portion of your gums show when you smile, detracting from its natural beauty. What can you do about this problem of proportions? Your cosmetic dentist in Spring Hill offers a treatment that can address this issue and help your grin reach its full potential.


Dental Implants in Spring Hill: Explore Your Options

June 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 8:58 pm

woman pointing at teethIf you have one or more missing teeth, you might be thinking about investing in dental implants in Spring Hill. You have an exciting journey ahead of you! You can look forward to a beautiful, strong smile that could last you for the rest of your life. But did you know that there are different types of dental implants? Let’s talk more about the remarkable flexibility of this treatment.


The Differences Between Mini and Regular Dental Implants

June 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 7:13 pm

dental implant illustrationDental implants in Spring Hill are one of the best ways to replace missing teeth. They provide a strong, sturdy base for a new smile, and they’re able to replace just one tooth or an entire arch of teeth. Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, more people than ever are candidates for this treatment. One of these advances is the mini dental implant. How does it compare to its traditional counterparts?


Your Dentist in Spring Hill Says Preventive Care Saves Time and Money

April 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 9:13 pm

A woman at her dental visit.While it may sound enticing to save money by skipping regular dental visits, you’re more than likely hurting yourself in the future. Regular dental visits aren’t just for routine cleanings; they are meant to confirm your oral and overall health is in good condition. Without this peace of mind, you won’t know if something is wrong until it’s too late.

Today, your dentist in Spring Hill is explaining why preventive visits will save you time, money, and pain that could be avoided.


Your Dentist in Spring Hill Offers 4 Questions to Ask Her Hygienist

April 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 9:09 pm

A woman at her dental exam.We’re used to thinking that when we have questions, we should save them for the dentist. They’re the ones handling significant aspects of our smile, but it doesn’t mean the hygienist isn’t also a wealth of knowledge. You’d be surprised how much you can learn by simply asking them your questions instead of waiting for your dentist in Spring Hills.

Here are four questions your hygienist is more than happy to answer.


6 Ways to Keep ClearCorrect in Spring Hill Clean

March 9, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 3:35 pm

clear alignersYou’ve always wanted straighter teeth, but never wanted braces. Thankfully, your dentist found a solution that worked for you: ClearCorrect in Spring Hill! These practically invisible aligners are perfect for your treatment because no one can tell that you’re wearing them—plus, your hygiene routine is much simpler than if you had traditional orthodontics.

Keeping your aligners clear and clean not only help to hide your treatment, but they keep your oral health in great condition, too! Learn the best way to clean your clear aligners in this week’s blog post.


Dentist in Spring Hill Discusses Expired Dental Products

February 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 5:22 pm

Dental productsAs you clean out your cabinets, it is not uncommon to find expired food that you know needs to be throw away, but what about dental products that have exceeded their recommended usage date? We have all used expired shampoos or soaps without any issues developing, but dental products are different. Depending on the type of product, your dentist in Spring Hill will likely recommend that you do not use it.

Get Necessary Care with an Emergency Dentist in Spring Hill

January 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 12:41 pm

woman dental painUnfortunately, there are some instances that are just out of your control—like a dental accident. In the case that you experience one, you need an emergency dentist in Spring Hill on your team that will be able to help you when you really need it. Learn more about your local emergency dentist here.


A Dentist in Spring Hill Talks About the Consequences of Missing Teeth

January 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 4:17 pm
Lady with a missing front tooth

Lady with a missing front tooth

Humans have 32 adult teeth in total. Since the four “wisdom teeth” are commonly removed, that leaves 28 remaining teeth in the average adult mouth. So it’s natural to think that missing one or two wouldn’t be a big deal. After all, you have quite a few “spares,” right? Unfortunately, it’s not so simple.

The reality is that there are several unanticipated consequences to losing teeth. You may see changes that you never expected in your oral health, appearance and ability to chew. Whether you lost some of your teeth a long time or only recently, a dentist in Spring Hill discusses what you can expect, as well as which dental treatment is the best for restoring your smile.


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