4 Reasons Not to Skip Your Checkup and Cleaning With Your Dentist

December 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 2:44 pm

person getting their teeth cleanedAre you guilty of skipping your checkup and cleaning with your dentist in Spring Hill to make time to go out with your friends? Even though you brush and floss at home every day, your dentist is specially trained to spot the early signs of harmful oral health conditions that can cause permanent damage to your smile and overall wellbeing. Using digital X-rays, special cleaning tools, and the latest technology in the dental world, they can ensure that your mouth stays clean, healthy, and happy. Read on for four reasons to not skip your next semi-annual appointment with your dentist. (more…)

Why Do You Need a Dental Crown?

December 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 3:29 pm

dental crowns placed on a model of a mouthWhen you heard that you needed a dental crown, did it have you feeling concerned and uncertain? You may be relieved to know that dental crowns in Spring Hill are one of the most common treatments that dentists use to help countless patients restore and preserve their smiles. However, some people misunderstand how they’re used and why they’re necessary. Read on to set the record straight and learn about what crowns are and how they can help you. (more…)

Here’s How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Make Your Holidays Better

November 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 2:59 pm

family taking a holiday photo togetherEvery year, you pull out your family holiday photos and reminisce about them. However, you’re tired of never being able to live down your damaged, stained, and crooked smile. It doesn’t make you feel confident or good, especially when that’s the first thing your eye is drawn to in every single photo that gets pulled out. Before your next holiday get-together, you can schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Spring Hill to learn how you can beautify your smile and boost your confidence with a variety of customized treatments. Read on to learn more about why the holidays are the best time for cosmetic dentistry. (more…)

Treats Too Spooky for Your Child’s Smile

October 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 7:39 pm

Kids with costumes onBoo! It’s officially spooky season. Your children are probably getting excited for the best time of year—a time for trick or treating, candy, and being whoever they want to be. However, as a parent, you should be aware that this high intake of candy can lead to increased risks of spooky cavities and tooth decay. Thankfully, your emergency dentist in Spring Hill knows the do’s and don’ts of Halloween sweets to keep your loved ones healthy during this season of sugar.


Need Dental Care? Get it in 2019 to Save Money!

October 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 7:33 pm

Woman smilingWith dentistry, treatment is always better when it comes sooner. Unlike other medical conditions that can get better with time, dental problems will only get worse if care is prolonged. Untreated dental issues will lead to more extensive AND expensive treatment. In fact, with 2019 coming to a close, it’s in your best interest to wrap up any care you need before the end of the year. Read on to learn how you can save money by seeing your dentist in Spring Hill before New Year’s.


3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Toothache

September 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 12:57 pm

girl with toothache

You’ve had a throbbing pain in one of your teeth for a while now. However, you would rather not have to go to the dentist, so you just take some over the counter pain relievers every day. It almost lets you forget about that constant pain in your mouth. Is this safe? Shouldn’t you get your toothache treated as soon as possible? According to your emergency dentist in Spring Hill, yes, you should. Continue reading to learn 3 reasons why you shouldn’t ignore a toothache.


The Hidden Ways Vaping Affects Your Smile

August 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — famdentalcampbell @ 6:48 pm

Woman with tooth painIf you haven’t noticed, vaping or the use of e-cigarettes have become incredibly popular in America. In fact, the US Surgeon General said that e-cigarette use among high school students increased by 900% in 2015. In total, it’s estimated that over 10 million people are vaping, with 40% of them having never used tobacco before. With these staggering numbers, it may leave you wondering whether or not it’s good for your oral health. It must be better than cigarettes, right? Keep reading to learn the ways that vaping can negatively impact your smile from an emergency dentist in Spring Hill.


Your Dentist in Spring Hill Answers Brushing and Flossing FAQs

July 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:03 pm

woman flossing

Brushing and flossing seem simple enough, but some people still have questions. You shouldn’t feel any shame in asking questions, because you’re definitely no the only one. From how long you should brush your teeth to what kind of toothpaste you should use, people have always been curious about how to care for their oral health. Your dentist in Spring Hill is here to answer your FAQs about brushing and flossing.


Emergency Dentist in Spring Hill Says Avoid These 5 Foods This Summer

June 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:41 pm

sticky candy

Many of us take vacations in the summer, and it’s pretty common to abandon our diets while we’re out of town. However, not watching what you eat can negatively impact not only your waistline, but your teeth as well. Certain foods and drinks that are especially popular in the summer can seriously damage your teeth and gums. Let’s look at 5 foods and drinks that an emergency dentist in Spring Hill advises you to avoid this summer.


5 Reasons to See a Family Dentist in Spring Hill

June 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:17 pm

mom and daughter brushing teeth

Life as a parent can be busy enough without worrying about which member of the family has an appointment at which dentist. You don’t want to end up accidentally bringing your spouse to your child’s pediatric dentist! Make the whole process easier by switching to a doctor who treats people of all ages under one roof. Here are 5 reasons why you should see a family dentist in Spring Hill.


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